If Everyone...!

Amid the event of Venerable Minh Tuệ's appearance in Central Vietnam in May 2024, which has garnered special public attention with various praise and criticism, Dr. and Writer Phạm Việt Long has shared his unique perspective on this matter. We would like to share his thoughts with the community.

IF EVERYONE were a traveler on the path to self-conquest, advancing on the road to truth with silence and determination. Without fearing obstacles. Without hesitation or waiting. Seeing only the noble goal ahead. Then the path of truth, despite being long and arduous, will lead us to the shore of growth and freedom.


IF EVERYONE refused to accept wealth and money from others, remained free from greed, knew contentment, and was grateful for what they had. Then greed would no longer be a catalyst for conflict, and society would ignite the flame of love and justice. Greed, instead of being a fire that consumes the soul, would give way to the light leading to harmony and sharing. When everyone knows contentment, we will discover peace in the simplest things of life. The tranquility of the soul will become a precious reward for those who appreciate and stop at the limits of sufficiency.

IF EVERYONE became kind-hearted, devoid of envy and hatred, we would together build a united community where each individual is an important part, a connection point in the network of mutual support among humanity. Love and compassion will spread, dispelling the darkness of hatred and jealousy. People will live closer, more empathetic, sharing joys and sorrows, successes and failures. Such a world would be a paradise on earth, where everyone is loved and respected.

IF EVERYONE lived amicably, then a peaceful world, where peace is the essence of daily life, would no longer be a dream. Every dawn, as light peeks through the window, will bring with it faith and peace, as every face we encounter brings comfort and empathy. In such a world, happiness is no longer something to seek because it is already present in the richness of the soul and the connections between people.

IF EVERYONE lived this way, then not only a new world would be formed, but also a new era for humanity, where selfishness and greed have been eradicated. In such a world, kindness, sincerity, and love are not only motivations but also core values of life. Each new day, we cherish every precious moment of life, the joy of love, and the freedom to express ourselves.